The journal publishes surveys, original papers, short communications, etc., in the following and related areas:
The journal also publishers conference "Call for Papers," books reviews, etc.
The journal certified under the Russian Press Ministry Certificate Number EL # 77-4172 of October 27, 2000.
Journal encourages the electronic submission of manuscripts. Electronic submissions have the advantage of potentially shorter review times because electronic files of papers can be routed to editors and referees more quickly than hard copy. To submit your paper electronically, please send LaTeX files to:
To submit your paper as hard copy, please send one single-sided copy of the manuscript, in English, to: Vladimir Venets, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Information Processes, 127051, Moscow, 19 B 1 Bolshoy Karetny Lane, Russia. A cover letter must indicate for which areas the manuscript is intended and the author to whom correspondence should be sent.
Submission of a manuscript to a journal, whether in electronic or hard-copy form, is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
Journal is noncommercial edition, and do not pay royalties to the authors. Under Russia Federation copyright law, submission of the manuscript means that the author(s) transfers the copyright to the publisher to distribute or publish the work to the fullest extend.
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